11+ Advanced Marketing Strategies for Selling a Product: Ways to Promote Affiliate Products

Marketing Strategies for Selling a Product

What good is a business if it has a great product but sucks at marketing? Crazy, right?

On the other way round, as an affiliate, how can you market a product effectively without being super salesy or going against the rules of the game which one of them is spamming everywhere with your affiliate links?

Be it a solo entrepreneur or startup, if you must succeed & thrive then you need this one skill which is the art of marketing your products and services. Here is it.

Have you ever wondered why SaaS companies like Kinsta and SEMrush write guides on their blog sections and make 6 figures? See the secret.

Ordinarily, they should concentrate their efforts on spending millions of dollars to promote and sell their product; the Kinsta managed Web hosting (my story) and SEMrush marketing research tools (how to use it), yet, what?

They had enough sense to subtly market their products by providing help and answering questions to related searches which they are ranked organically on Search Engines (free traffic, not paid) – now that is a great product marketing strategy.

But do you know any bad product marketing examples? In case you don’t, here is one. “Concentrating all your energy on your products”.

Please don’t get me wrong here, you have to come up with the best product but then, there is more after building that nice SaaS tool or course.

Take, for instance, a lot of freelancers, like web designers, concentrate most of their efforts on the “codes” yet, they lack what will motivate them to code more which is “commissions” as a result of getting clients – marketing.

Just to add more value to us, in this guide you will not only learn the best and effective ways to sell products or services, you will go on to see the top marketing strategies for selling a product as a product owner and also as an affiliate marketer.

But before we go on, here is where you want to start. The super Guide to Start Affiliate Marketing in Nigeria, USA, and anywhere.

Marketing Strategies for Selling a Product as an Affiliate

Marketing Strategies for Selling affiliate Product

Here are the most solid ways to promote affiliate products as a digital marketer. What to do is select the one(s) that entice you and stick to them and make it work – profit. Let’s kick in.


1.  Promote Products you Use & Trust

What? Wait. I know this is bad news for you if you’re a beginner in affiliate marketing. Why?

Because you might not have the money to spend on testing products before recommending them to your audiences.

Let’s be frank, there are 2 highly effective ways of marketing a product, and they are #1. People buy from who they love – someone that has added value to them, think of Pat Flynn, Toyin Omotoso, Adam Enfroy, and many digital marketers/entrepreneurs with motivating or scary income reports.

#2. They buy based on your review as a user.

For you, these are the 2 categories you want to be if you have a Blog or Vlog, else, you might want to use PPCs – ads with copyrighting (free book) to market the products you’re promoting.

But as a beginner with a low budget, what can you do?

Go ahead and Request a review copy from the product owners (I do this as well), and see the reviews of other users on platforms such as Amazon, Reddit, and other related forums.

When done, couple everything and come up with an amazing product review. Want a clue? See the Expertnaire Review Guide.

To this effect, you might want to see the 120 Best Affiliate Programs for Beginners.


2.  Promote Products on your Blog

Promote Products on your Blog

One of the most effective ways for me is building niche sites to promote affiliate products.

With your niche site targeting low-tail keywords with no or little backlinks or targeting highly competitive terms with backlinks, you can make sales even if you have 20 blog posts on the site.

And yeah (no bragging, after failures), one of my niche sites with only 15 blog posts brings in sales with monthly traffic of less than 250. At times, it’s not how much you publish content but the strategy to do it well.

If you want to create a profitable blog from my method then consider joining the 7 Days to Profitable Blog Launch.


3.  Promote Products on your Vlog

Videos. Can you make them work? Sure. Top Digital Marketers like Neil Patel of NeilPatel.com and Miles Beckler of MilesBeckler.com use vlogs to expand their online brands.

To start with, you want to use the simplest and most popular platform like YouTube. Other options (if you want) include Vimeo, DailyMotion, and more.

You can also “make a short video” using a platform like FlexClip with varying templates.

And for a good and free video editor, you can use VSDC to record your screens while reviewing the products or your mobile phone can do the job in case you don’t have the budget for a digital camera.


4.  Honest Reviews of Products

This is tactical, but it works. According to ScruffyMarketer, if you are always honest about every product or service that you promote, focusing on the problems it solves for your audience you’ll never go wrong.

While this is simpler said than done for many affiliates, most especially the new affiliates, the thing is, it makes sense to reveal the PROs and Cons of a product so that when your audience buys it they won’t be surprised since you talked about it. 

The thing is, it’s always nice to prioritize your audience over the commission (if you want to build a lasting online business/brand).

For instance, 2 years ago, I was scammed on a P2P platform. Does this mean the platform is not good? Of course, no. Even though “1” user did that, I had to refuse to promote the service for over 3 years now with an enticing 50% commission.

And do I recommend you do this? Not at all. If you’ve used a platform with its flaws, you want to tell & show your audiences how to use it and the terms of service they need to know. Why? They trusted you to click the “buy button”.

What’s the effect of this?

This has made a lot of readers trust my blog to leave their mail addresses for updates.

Click “the notification pop up” seen on this page or top of the fold for real-time notifications.

Also, click here to join others for free updates on True Life Success Stories | Case Studies | Building an Authority Business Online & Beating 9-5 Jobs Lessons Coming Up.

5.  Build an Email List

One of the most highly effective marketing strategies for selling a product is building an email list. It is called the life wire of a digital marketer.

An email list is a must-have if you want to specialize in affiliate marketing using ads – Facebook, Adwords, Bing, and other PPCs.

For LinkedIn email list building, you can use an email finder tool to find executive prospects and build your list with less effort.

Now, to measure its importance, a lot of digital marketers who do not want to spend the time for it opt to buy ready-made lists. If you ask me, this is a bad marketing strategy (unless proven otherwise) because the audience might not trust you and the products you’re about to market to them.

What then can you do to build an email list?

Build an Email List for marketing

Simply create a video or an eBook guide on how to “solve a particular problem in your niche” and collect your audience’s email addresses in exchange for the guide.

For an eBook, a simple tool like Canva.com (book cover and pdf) or your Doc file turned to PDF can do the job. When done, use an email tool like EmailOctopus or GetResponse, integrate it to your landing page, and get their email addresses, wherefore, you can promote your affiliate products to them anytime and any day.

Remember, these are REAL humans, you want to build some trust before you start pitching them “Buy” “Buy Here”, “click this link to buy” and other salesy strategies.

All in all, as a digital marketer, you need to build an audience today if you’re yet to do that.


6.  Give Bonuses 😛 

If you’re a product owner, what you want to do here is to sponsor an event, however, if an affiliate you want to give bonuses when someone buys the “trusted product” you’re promoting.

I believe that this is a bad marketing strategy because a lot of product owners front the bonuses to sell wacky products.

It sounds sour but unfortunately, the human brain is connected to the words “Free, Discount, Bonuses” and related.  

But wait, what do you think of this marketing strategy for selling a product? Let me know in the comment section.

All in all, if you’re sure the product is good, then, it is a good thing to offer additional bonuses for your audience.


7.  Create Comparison Reviews

Comparing affiliate products with another is such a good way of selling affiliate products. For instance, I did a comparison of the 5 Best Free Podcast Hosting Services for Beginners.

For you, you can get up to 3 similar affiliate products and compare with their cons, and without apologies, readers love this and I am sure they will buy from your link.


8.  Get Dirty with PPC, AdWords, Facebook, & Bing

One of the ways to market a product with PPC is to experiment with AdWords, Facebook, & Bing.

Of course, how to market a product on Facebook is the simplest (tricky) here but I do think AdWords and Bing are also super effective.

Also note, when you start your blog with Hostinger, you get a free $100 bill to advertise on Bing. This is a big deal if you ask me.

And talking about PPC – pay-per-click advertising, CharliePage, says

if you send 200 or 300 visitors to a site and don’t make a sale, that’s a warning sign. You want to investigate that. Try to find out if the site does convert before spending money on pay-per-click.

To cushion that effect, if you’re from Africa, then you can try a program like “Google Display Ads Training“ where you’ll learn in a practical sense how to use AdWords effectively (affiliate link).

Alternatively, you can check out YouTube and Blogs for guides.


9.  Publish a Blast

As the owner of a product you can publish a Press Release about your product, but as an affiliate, what you want to do is send a blast (email update) to your list informing them of what they’re about to miss in this new product.

One way to effectively do this is to make a short video showing what the product is all about and how to use it.

Wait. How do you send a blast? Copy or move all your list – emails to a single list and use a flexible tool like GetResponse and notify them of the program/product. 

You can try out GetResponse for free.


10.  Market the product on Social Media

Wait. This can be tricky, else, the social media platform or, the affiliate company might be brutal to ban you from their programs if you keep dumbing your links on the site.

With that said, how then can you market a product successfully on social media?

Add value and start talking. Here is how I made one sale of my Quora blueprint.

I went on to a forum, spent 7 days educating them on the effectiveness of Quora, and how my content gets shared to over 100,000 people by Quora with over 400,000 answer views to date.

At the end of the day, I left my landing page link to the product.

Because it was interesting and helpful with some proofs, I got payment from nowhere (after about 4-7 days) only to get an email from the buyer.

Now you see why relationships are the CORE bloodline to affiliate marketing or selling any product. What can you do?

Add value to your audience by doing the exact thing as shown, else, you can see the process with the guide below.

Marketing Strategies for Selling a Product pdf

11.  Use Cold Messaging

Like a cold email, you can promote a product to customers by subtly joining online groups (Facebook, Discord, and WhatsApp). Immediately you join, don’t turn the shy type by not contributing.

Apart from that, you can use a platform like passion.io that defines marketing strategies.

Again, we have so many marketing quotes from top marketers in the world. A Google search will get you plenty of them. You want to first check out Seth Godin.

Start by posting good quotes from the marketers (no spamming), move on to programs that have changed your life, ask others about theirs, and scale from there.

By scale, I mean, if the online group has at least 200 users, then you can make 1 or more sales when someone uses your link to check out the program you talked about, which means, you get paid where you can now move on to PPC or build a niche site to review the product.


Guide: here’s how to set up your website in 5 mins


12. Build the Right Relationships

I had to keep this point for the last. You see, humans are connected by relationships. I mean, what makes life worthwhile are the progressive relationships we have.

So, whatever you can do to build a good relationship with your audience, do it. Here is a relation.

What do you think made DiCaprio finally win the “OSCAR award”? Here is it.

He had to eat an animal with blood in the survival epic movie “The Revenant”. He won the Oscar after six nominations.

Like him, if it means creating a video course, podcast, eBook, checklist, excel spreadsheet, and a lot more to build a relationship, then do. Because it pays at the end of the day.

And the good news is that everything you’ll ever need is available at www.

If you are a lover of crypto, check out lessons on it here.


Don’t miss: Top 25 Lucrative Ways to Make Money Online Without Paying Anything

Final Notes

For you to make money as an affiliate marketer, you need the right techniques to sell a product.

Apart from the techniques in which you can use different methods, you need a sustainable marketing strategy for selling a product, in which building a niche site or an email list is the most recommended.

All in all, while there are tens if not hundreds of marketing strategies for selling a product, I believe with the above you can get started with zero budget, aka, for free.


Over to you.

As a digital marketer, how do you promote a product effectively online? Let me know what you think below.

Remember, clicking the share button is love. Let me see it from you. Thanks.

Images: Canva.com


  1. Mirk
    June 8, 2020
  2. Chisa
    November 17, 2021

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